Monday, November 22, 2010

Giving it Away

Today was the day I gave the food we had raised to charity.  Unfortunately, Alonna wasn't able to help me out with this, but I went ahead anyways.  My mom and I went to the Centeral Pennsylvania Food Bank in Williamsport, PA.  It turned out that we had raised 342 pounds of food for the needy.  We saved some of the donations for St. Ann's Church food bank too.  The girls said that they have never had teenagers donate this much food in one day and they were very greateful for our donation. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010


The day came around when we were to pick up our donations.  We took the mule out and rode around and picked up the foods.  As a thank you, we put a note in their mailboxes thanking them for their donation.  The mule got weighed down, so we had to take four different trips around the neighborhood.  We got boxes, bags, and cans of different nonperishable items.  It turned out that we had atleast 25 bags of food that we can donate to our local food drive! 


There's a lot of houses in our neighborhood, so we expected to get a lot of donations from different families.  The problem was we didn't know how we were going to pick up all the food from people.  We didn't want to walk because it seemed like we would be carrying so many different canded goods.  We also didn't want to bug our parents and have them drive us around the neighborhood.  The only reasonable way was to take Alonna's mule, it's like a golf cart.  It has enough room for us to easily take the food and put it away at either of our houses.

Thoughts on how we're Doing

Alonna and I have been thinking about our project and what we have accomplished.  We have successfully raised twenty dollars to the local food bank doing one of our projects.  We think that this project will be a bigger contribution to our community, giving food to people who can't afford over the upcoming holidays.

Part Two

After seeing the results from the first part of our project, we decided we wanted to contribute more to the community.  We had an idea to have a local food drive in our neighborhood, Poco Hills Estates.  We made flyers and passed them out to everyone in our neighborhood by putting them in their mailboxes.  These flyers would include what kinds of food they can donate, where it's going to, and when we would be picking the donations up. 

Foul Shots

After the volleyball tournament, we decided to go ahead and do the foul shots.  All of the girls from seventh and eighth grade showed up and decided to help us out with our project.  We explained to them what this about and what we expected from them.  As they finished shooting, they reported to us how many foul shots they made, Alonna and I also shot fould shots.  As a result, we raised twenty dollars.


We went to the middle school girl's head coach, Senorita Leid, and asked  if we were allowed to do this project with her girls.  We told her about our class and how we have to do something that involves helping the community, and she thought it was a good idea.  She also said that we were allowed to go to one of their practices and perform the project then.  We decided to go and do the project on Thursday, after the high school volleyball tournament. 

About The Project

Alonna Soars and I decided to do two community projects.  The first one would involve basketball and the other project would involve a neighborhood food drive in Poco Hills Estates.  For these projects, we will need the help of Loyalsock Townships Middle School girls basketball team and the residents of Poco Hills.  When we know we have these projects done, we will donate the food and money to a local food bank of our choice.